2009 Kolditz Family

2009 Kolditz Family

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Halloween 2008

For Halloween this year, Shelby wanted to be a vampire and Noah wanted to be a Thomas Train. However, when Shelby got her vampire teeth and makeup, Noah wanted some too. So we made him into a monster Thomas Train.

I was in charge of getting the costumes together and getting them ready on Halloween morning. Shelby could wear her costume to school, so of course Noah had too. I guess you can kind of tell they were put together by me by how freaky they look. I'm sure Tammy would have made them nice and adorable, but I was going for scary.

Later that night, Tammy took the kids to the ward's Trunk or Treat where they got a lot of candy and had a hay ride. I had to work that night and couldn't attend, but they all had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's so funny that Noah had to have the makeup on! The kids look great! Halloween is awesome cause you can dress up however and it works!
