2009 Kolditz Family

2009 Kolditz Family

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dinner with the Missionaries

The four missionaries in our ward came over for dinner today. The kids always get hyperactive when they visit, but the Elders are very good at keeping them entertained. We cooked hotdogs and brauts on the grill and while they were getting ready Shelby and Noah played softball in the backyard with the missionaries.

We’re able to have them over every once in a while, usually a lot more frequently in the summer when work is a little slower for me. It brings back a lot of memories from my mission since we usually had about four Elders in a ward and would all go to member’s houses together for dinner. There’s a signup sheet that goes around Relief Society on Sunday, so the missionaries get fed pretty regularly.

After dinner, one of the companionships taught us two of the principles from the first discussion as if we were investigators. This is the second time they have done this as their spiritual message, and both times have been neat to hear the way they are now delivered.

When I was on my mission the discussions were memorized, and they were pretty straightforward and guided. Now they have six main topics that allow them to move the discussion in whatever way they feel directed. There is a lot more room to individualize the message toward whoever is being taught.

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